Vito, Renato, e Vincenzo— May 1, 2022

Italian Independence Day, when the Allies freed the country from the Nazis at the end of WW II.

(But somehow this sounds like what Putin is saying about freeing Ukraine from the Nazis.)

Joe and I were taking a stroll along the beach here near Puzzuoli when a man asked us in English where we are from. That started a long and entertaining conversation. They were naming famous Italian Americans, and we joined in. Fortunate to be named today: Francis Ford Coppola and his daughter Sofie, Danny DeVito, Sylvester Stallone, Frank Sinatra, Quentin Tarantino, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro.

They did NOT name Sofia Loren or Gina Lollobrigida.

The men are retired and live close by. 50 meters. Vito fixes umbrellas. Witness the umbrella: Bamboo stays. New cord. Wood stake. And the lounge chair he invited Joe to sit in. Un disastro! But they told about the festa on May 1, this four-day weekend. And the Americans coming to Napoli. We showed them a picture of Joe’s dad in uniform and the picture of our oldest son standing with Sylvester Stallone.

There was an American flag painted on the concrete. Why?

Renato’s dad built the aeronautics school on top of the hill to the east. Vincenzo was mathematician. And perhaps also a porn actor. This was a little unclear. Vito repairs umbrellas, maybe just a retirement gig. They gave us very clear directions to get to the Anfiteatro, turn on Cappucini, go up the scala, go up the road and there it is. very precise, very clear hand gestures.

We finished with promises to come back domani.

About dbarloworg

I retired in 2016 and joined Joe in lounging around the home all day. We started this blog to record our Camino in May of 2017, then kept it going through my Camino in September 2017, and used it again for my trip to Nepal in 2018 and further.

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