Tammy, this one is for you 9/25/18

I have a friend who is fighting cancer right now. And boy, is she fighting. And boy, has cancer met its match.

Of course she has sought the best medical care for her treatment, and has great faith in her doctors. But There are other ways she is fighting.

She has assembled an army. She has solicited drivers and cheerer-uppers and companions and Pickleball partners to keep her company on her path. She organized a Meal Train on the internet to schedule people to take her to each chemo appointment. That means on each tough day she has company and help.

She has kept physically active, even through pain and surgical recovery. As soon as her doctor cleared her, and it was remarkably soon, she scheduled some pick-up Pickleball practice to get out of the house and resume activity.

She has challenged herself in some new ways. She went to a climbing wall and climbed!!

Tammy set about to organize a fundraiser for breast cancer research by working with Pickleball Station in Kent. They committed to host the event and have their pros there to play with players. They authorized her team to put on a potluck dinner, sell t shirts, give out raffle prizes, and hold a silent auction. When I thanked Peter for helping, he looked up and said, “It’s important.”

I don’t know how Tammy finished out the evening, but when I left at 8:30 she had just finished a game, was sweaty and happy, and was chatting in the break room with her support team. I am sure she will be exhausted, but she has put herself on the line to turn chicken shit into chicken salad.

I recognize that not everyone can or wants to do these active things. I totally get it that there are introverts who do nor draw strength from being around others. But what I want to celebrate is that Tammy has figured out what gives HER strength, and seized it by the horns and wrestled it to the ground. And stood with her foot on its neck. And sang the Rocky theme song. We love you, Tammy!

About dbarloworg

I retired in 2016 and joined Joe in lounging around the home all day. We started this blog to record our Camino in May of 2017, then kept it going through my Camino in September 2017, and used it again for my trip to Nepal in 2018 and further.

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