Meeting the People of Portugal 9/20/18

First, the overview of today’s walk:
We left the hotel at about 8:30, it was misty/foggy as we walked through Vila do Conde and along the ocean, we stopped for potty, coffee, lunch purloined from the breakfast buffet, potty AND coffee, chocolate at the Iglexia, and made it to the hotel at 3:08. I won the bet on time of arrival (Judy 2:08, Steph 2:32, Kathy 2:45, me 3:00). It needs to be said that we never know how close we are to the destination when we make these bets, and have no idea what remains of the trip, so the bets are wild wishful guessing, not knowledgeable estimates. It also needs to be said that even though I keep winning, we never remember to specify the payoff so I win nothing.

Kathy walked the entire way again, eleven miles, slowly and with great self-discipline, and we are all really proud of her. Plus she gets us to the front of any lines by looking pathetic with her cane. So overall, another beautiful day of gratitude and hard work.

A story you may enjoy:
The Fishermen and the Americans
All 4 are passing through a little fishing village and peering at all the boats and net-fixing around them. A lady inside a shed starts motioning them to come in, so they duck into the shed where two men and the lady are mending fish nets.
Debbie: Are the nets for bacalao?
The fisherman, in a blur of scornful Portuguese: No, bacalao come from Norway or Iceland, not here. You dummy.
Debbie (loosely translated): What fish this?
Fisherman: Ling. (He also shows different nets for shrimp.)
Fisherman: English?
All: No, American.
Fisherman laughs: Ah. Donald Trooomp! (Laughing at guests heartily and prolonged.) Ha ha ha!
All: No, we don’t like him! No good! Malo! No, not good!
All three fisherman: Ha ha ha! Troooomp!!! Ha ha ha!
All (embarrassed): Thanks for visit, goodbye!
Fisherman: Ha ha ha ha!!!!

Story #2 you may enjoy:
We were about half way today when we came to the top of a rise to find an elderly lady (late 70’s?) doing jumping jacks with a young personal trainer. The lady has on cute patterned workout tights and is smiling and jumping and working hard. Of course I had to jump in with her so we could all have a good laugh.

Story #3 from today:
As I passed a man walking his dog on the boardwalk, the man greeted me, then asked if we were English. He paused to count us, carefully, uma, dois, tres, cuatro, and to introduce his dog Tin Tin. He asked if we know Donald Trump and acted out some crazy, angry actions. He was very excited to tell us Bom Caminho and shook hands with each of us.

Great people, so friendly and happy to connect!

About dbarloworg

I retired in 2016 and joined Joe in lounging around the home all day. We started this blog to record our Camino in May of 2017, then kept it going through my Camino in September 2017, and used it again for my trip to Nepal in 2018 and further.

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