Camino Training 8/25/18

Stephanie and I have been on a disciplined push to be physically ready to to begin the Camino September 16. We are following a training plan that peaks this week, three weeks out, then goes into maintenance and tapering. Today we did our third endurance walking day, a 13 mile loop around the perimeter of Mercer Island on the half marathon route. It was not quite what I had hoped— not quite Camino-like. It was 100% pavement on the roadside, no sidewalks or trails, and 100% on the right shoulder, as the left shoulder was mysteriously thin or nonexistent. There were no bathrooms or coffee shops or amenities of any kind. Luckily we had Joe with us, our entertainment and stalwart hiker.

We found one park about two hours in, and stopped for bathroom breaks and a snack. Then we found a construction porta potty and stopped one more time on some steps leading to a gate, to have another snack and change shoes or socks.

Kathy has been laid low by a herniated disc, and while still going with us, will likely not actually walk the Camino. She has not been able to walk any distance or train since early June, so has lost light years of fitness. Her spirit remains undimmed and her will is very strong to go on the Camino, to see sights, to experience the spirituality of The Way, and to be in our company. She may ride a Vespa or rent a car, or take the bus or train from town to town. Maybe we will rent her a donkey. But she will be with us and we will have fun. We each have our own Camino, and it never looks how we thought it would look. But she is not training with us and we miss her cheerful encouragement.

Judy has been busy all summer, traveling, visiting family, and working with student teachers and we have not seen her much. It will be great to reconnect– my fellow pilgrim of last year.

So we will converge on 9/16 at the airport and start being the be-all and end-all for each other.

About dbarloworg

I retired in 2016 and joined Joe in lounging around the home all day. We started this blog to record our Camino in May of 2017, then kept it going through my Camino in September 2017, and used it again for my trip to Nepal in 2018 and further.

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